Sunday, April 20, 2008

So I've decided to join

so i've decide to join the blogging world and not be such a recluse. really it was done because of the blog jen badget put up. and what took me there was spence's email about them and their new little one.
well i'll just let ya'll know kinda what's been happening for the past couple of years or so. first off the biggest change in our lives was that my wife and best friend had to leave the country for immigration issues beyond our control. as of late she's been out of the country (in honduras specefically) for the past year and 2 months. both my little ones zander and cossette are living there with her and they've been gone for the past year. they are doing well: going to school leraning two languages, playing with family and friends. but i get asked every day papa when are you gonna come be with us again. well i go and visit about every 3 months for about a week or two weeks at a time depending on work and what not. (don't worry i'll throw so pix up so you can see)
ana (nickname: babygirl and obviously mama) is a school teacher by trade and is getting ready to do some part time work at one of the private schools there as an english teacher and an art teacher. you should see some of the pencil art that she creates it's amazing.
zander (nickname: tato) is gonna be 4 this may. he loves spiderman, transformers and power rangers. he loves going to school and playing with his friends. ahh to be 4 again would be great. he just a normal little boy except for the fact that he lives in a third world country and he's the only white kid for miles and that's including the tourists. me and zander are exactly alike it makes me smile everytime i look at him.
cossette (nickname: cossi) is gonna be 2 this may. she and zander are almost exactly two years apart cuz that's how we do. she loves to read (have someone else read to her) paint, draw, play house and she loves i repeat loves barbie and dora la exporadora. she has stolen my heart and that's about all i have to say about her. once you have a little girl just remember guys that you will goes right out the window cuz what ever she wants to do she will get you to let her do. but man you gotta love it.
chad (nickname:papacito and papi). well not too much to say about myself. i didn't go the traditional college route. so i have no college stories or interesting places i've been. once i moved to utah i've stayed here. there is still a huge place in my heart for arizona and i will move back there one day. currently i'm involved in real estate and music. this wednesday, the 23rd, i'm going to have the awesome experience of sharing the stage with ben folds for a charity concert. i'm very excited about that. my brother and i are starting a marketing company called rocknasty marketing. things are going well and if we get it off the ground and running i'll be able to spend more time with my family in honduras until ana is able to come back. we'll see what happens. it's all an adventure right now though.
any way ya'll are pretty much caught up.
until next sunday then.


Caralee said...

Chad!!! WOW!!! I had no clue you had so much going on. Hope you can work that out with Ana and the kids being in Honduras ASAP. That's got to be rough.

BEN FOLDS!!! Dream come true. You're the man. I keep getting your Mesa Drive updates. You're a rock star. Good luck to you and Mark with the Biz.

Your family is beautiful!!!

Caralee said...

I guess I was logged in as my wife Caralee when I posted.

This is Spence

Layton Clan said...

Chad chad chad chad chad.

Why are you one of my favorite people ever?

Because you are. Enough said.

So glad you have a blog.

Ana and the kids are beautiful.

Stay in touch friend.

Jen West Layton

Annie said...

Chad- Your situation is killing me! I had heard about things a while back, but just came across your blog from Spencer & Caralee's blog. My heart sincerely goes out to you guys. I know this is a really old post, but still, big congrats on your band playing with Ben Folds, unbelievable! I can't see the pics, probably b/c the post is old, but I'm sure your family is as beautiful as they say. I really hope the best for you and your family. - Good to hear from you!